Monday, October 15, 2012


You know how last post I was plugging myself? Well today I would like to take some time to plug someone else. I was searching around on other blogs and I came across These guys have inspired me. I always thought that trying to paint miniatures professionally was a pipe-dream, something I would never actually be able to achieve and was silly to actually pursue. But these guys have really done it. I highly recommend popping over and visiting their blog, or their website, itself if you have the chance. The quality of their work is astronomical and they are living the dream I thought was impossible. I am reinvigorated with purpose and drive to up the quality of my own work so that I way operate on the same level as these amazing painters.
A Soul Grinder for my Chaos Daemons army.
I was recently inspired by the man I consider my mentor to take on a huge project. I don't want to go into any exact details yet considering I do not yet have the money to buy the kits necessary to construct what I'm considering, but he was showing me a Chaos Marines Heldrake he had begun work on and, to put things nice and vague, sometimes all you need for inspiration is to view things from a different angle. However I cannot yet afford both a Heldrake and Forgefiend which I will need to complete my new idea so I won't be able to post any in progress shots until maybe a week from now.
However if you are intrigued by the idea please feel free to keep an eye on the site as I might be posting more information and concept sketches related to the idea soon.
Thanks for reading everybody. Keep your paintbrushes clean and your imaginations open.

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