Monday, September 24, 2012


I now stand on a precipice, one I did not think I would ever teeter over and fall into. I am now embarking on the journey of keeping a blog. It is something I have considered for a long time, but always found myself staying away from, avoiding the idea. But as things have turned in the fashion that they have I found myself more drawn to the idea. As I find myself drawn further and further into the world of miniature painting, hoping to maybe someday reach the glorious peak of professional painting, I find I now have the desire to share my thoughts, feelings, and ideas on the subject, as well as my work itself.
I will mainly post my own work, as well as commission status, whether they be open or closed, as well as any thoughts I may have on the different game systems I play and painting techniques. I invite any readers to join the conversation and let me know your feelings, views, and even send me some of your work. I am always looking for any advice and criticism to help me on my journey through the world of painting. I firmly believe that we can never stop learning, that others can teach us far more than we could ever teach ourselves, and if we shut out outside influence we have robbed ourselves of the ability to learn.
Thanks for reading everybody. Keep your paintbrushes clean and your imaginations open.

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