The archers assembled. |
Well I finished the archers for the Bretonnian force about two weeks ago. I am basically finished with the men-at-arms who will be joining them as well. Hopefully I will be able to post pictures of them in a more efficient manner than I did these ones.The black and white color scheme came out quite well despite all my gripes.
The leader of the archer unit. |
Business has actually been on the rise lately. I currently have some Terminators on the table I am doing for a give away. I also have some Space Wolves on the way from a client which I will have to begin work on directly. It's a relatively small force, 10 Grey Hunters, 10 Fenrisian Wolves, 3 Thunderwolf Calvary riders, 1 Forgeworld Space Wolves Dreadnaught, 1 Landspeeder, Canis Wolfborn, and Logan Grimnar. Though the number of models is smaller than the current batch of Bretonnians, there are 2 heroes involved as well as 2 vehicles. The Dreadnaught will need special attention paid to it seeing as how it is from Forgeworld. It's not a request from the client but I want to make sure the Dreadnaught comes out particularly good. Forgeworld makes some amazing stuff, but my favorite things from Forgeworld are their Dreads. Because of that I believe that all Forgeworld Dreads should be painted with the highest degree of quality.
One of the archers. |
I am also in talks with a client about a possible ~$400 job. I am honestly not sure how well I will be able to handle a job of that scale. The lot consists of approximately 115 High Elf foot soldiers of varying ranks, a Lion Chariot, 3 heroes and a dragon. As excited as I am for the opportunity to take on such a project and earn that kind of money, I am intimidated by the sheer size of it. However, if I want to make this a career, this is the kind of thing I signed up for. I will just have to take it step at a time and push through, one mini at a time. My readers, whoever you are, I hope you will be rooting for me as I take on these upcoming projects. I will try my best to post pictures of my progress on the projects as I go.
As always thanks for reading. Keep your paintbrushes clean and your imaginations open.
The Standard Bearer with torch. |